Consolidated Outlands Mustang Alpha Vindicator


It’s been a crazy past couple of weeks dealing with life changes as well as the busy holiday season. I haven’t had as much time to work on models as I would have hoped so pulling through some of the smaller stuff has been a nice change of pace.


As many backers know, the Consolidated Outlands lineup went through a relatively significant rework this year. We saw the old models unified into something a bit more inline with the look of the game.

As many who follow me will know, I completed a model of the old design. Not wanting to fall behind, a model of the rework was a must.


I ended up putting the model together during our annual Thanksgiving Day celebration. Most of the relatives wanted to go watch Football, so I picked a festively themed table and got to work.


Like most of my recent models, it was relatively easy to put together. Some center ribbing holds the majority of the cockpit while a horizontally running wing piece supports the engines.


I’ll eventually take some new pictures as while the glue it drying it’s white and not transparent.


As I’ve promised on Twitter, I’m actively working on the Polaris. It’s the largest model I will have done to date so don’t expect it to be done any time soon. When I do, you will no doubt see it plastered all over social media.